Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Discerning Direction - Truly Seeking?

(This post begins a series around the question of discerning direction in life).

For most of us, there has come a moment when we ask, "Where am I going?" or "God, what do You want me to do with my life?"  If we are truly asking God for direction, I find that we must begin with an internal audit.

First, we have to ask ourselves if we are truly desiring the answer.  There are many occurrences in the Scriptures when people asked Jesus questions without any real desire for His response.  Perhaps most well known is when, during the mockery of a trial, Pilate asks Jesus, "What is truth?"  The next line reads, "...and then he went out."  (John 18).  Pilate had no real desire to even give Jesus time to consider the question, which is highly ironic in light of the fact that in John 14, Jesus self-describes as "The Truth". 

When it comes to our pursuit of direction in life, do we really want an answer, or is a half-hearted, 'heaven-ward tossed' prayer enough to make us think, "Well, I tried, and no one answered, so I guess I'll just figure it out on my own"?  If we are truly interested in possibly hearing from our Creator and Designer what it is He has for us, we have to first be willing to truly seek.  Hebrews 11 challenges us to consider if we really believe that God rewards those who earnestly seek after Him (Deuteronomy 4:29).

Before we even begin to look for an answer about God's will in/for our lives, we have to truly be willing to seek the response and the One who offers it.  Without the true desire for a response, we waste our time and mislead ourselves.  But if we are truly seeking, we, in time, will find.

Tomorrow, we will discuss the notion of waiting on direction from God.

- tC

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