Sunday, November 4, 2012

3 Ways to bless your pastor

(Photo by CreativeDoxFoto -

I cannot tell a lie - part of me is posting this because I want to express the frustration felt by myself and many other pastors as we try to walk the line of humble leadership.  But my own frustrations aside, I truly do believe that these are three ways you can really and truly be a blessing to your pastor.

1. Assume the best.  When something comes up that you find strange or questionable at your local church, assume the best.  Assume that your leaders are making decisions will hearts fully desiring the best for the congregation and for God's glory.  When something strange comes up, don't jump to the assumption that all doctrine has gone out the window and that the church is on the slippery-slope.

2. Ask the source.  If you have found something in, for example, a church communication that you find questionable, first assume the best and then secondly, go to the source.  E-mail your pastor or his administrative assistant with a humble attitude that is seeking clarity, not one that says, "I'm here to straighten you out."  If you have questions, ask the source.

3.  Lastly, don't talk to anyone until you talk to the source.  And I mean that - don't talk to anyone.  Because what happens is that you tell 'just one friend' and then he or she tells...'just one friend', and then next thing you know, there is a rumor weed that is taking over the church body.  Don't share it, just pray about it, and then go to the source.

If you will take these truths to heart, you will be a blessing to the leaders of your church body.
- tC

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