Monday, February 27, 2012

Life of Valor

On Saturday, 2 great buddies and I went to see Act of Valor.  As modern military buffs, we loved it.  Before the movie actually started, I turned to my friend Andy and said, "The movie hasn't even started yet but I already think it might be my favorite movie of all time." 

It was excellent - great action, thought-provoking message, and more.  Part of that 'more' is that it got me to thinking about the life of faith in Christ.  I thought about who I would call a spiritual Navy SEAL, and who (if anyone) might call me that.  At first I thought, "Maybe some are not called or capable of this", but then I recalled Paul's words in Philippians 3 when he writes that he can do all things through Christ who gives him strength.  And I also recalled Peter's words from 2 Peter 1 where he said that we have all we need for a godly life. 

So why?  Why am I not a spiritual Navy SEAL?  The only reason I can come up with is something I heard shared by Peter Kreeft a few years ago.  When commenting on why Christians weren't more 'saintly' (not as in being made a saint by the church, but as in living a more Christ-like life), Kreeft said that it was because we chose not to. 

I think he's right.  The reason my life doesn't look more like the Apostle Paul or John Wesley or others like this is because I choose, day-by-day, to not live that way.  It can't be an excuse like "I can't do it" because I can do anything through Christ.  And God desires me to bear much fruit for the glory of the Father (John 15), so I have to look into my own life and say, "Me - I am the reason I am not a spiritual Navy SEAL."

May this kind of apathy end tonight.

- tC

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