Friday, November 18, 2011

One of the cores to the Church being the Church

Overall, this is a challenging video to watch, but if you'll start at 36:16 and watch for a bit, you'll see that at the core, Christian churches should be defined by love, and in particular, loving one another.  Think about Paul telling the church in Galatia (chapter 5) that the only thing that matters in the end is faith expressing itself in love.  Think about Peter in 1 Peter 4 saying, "Above all, love one another, for love covers a multitude of sins."

So here's where we can start to critique, but we also have to self-examine.  When I gather with other Christians, is my goal to love on people?  Is my goal to encourage, to exhort, to love other followers of Christ, because when I do, and when we do - that is the Church being the Church. 

For other consideration, read that familiar passage in 1 Corinthians 13  and insert "the church" instead of the word "love" ('The church is patient, the church is kind...'). 

That's one core of the Church being the Church.

- tC

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